Helping clients and their loved ones plan for the journey of a chronic illness or life-limiting illness.
Kym strives to provide emotional support and be an advocate for the person with the illness.
For you or your loved one who needs at-home support in personal or respite care.
I will work with you and your family to create a menu and grocery list, and prepare items to be easily heated, or cooked when needed throughout the week.
Whether it’s downsizing, helping transition to a different home, making better use out of your space, or making your space more accessible to your needs.
COMPANIONSHIP — to you or your loved one and hold space to have difficult conversations about your/their diagnosis.
DEATH PLANNING — which includes advanced directives, funeral/memorials.
LEGACY PROJECTS — helping you or your loved one find creative ways to leave something behind.
VIGIL PLANNING — creating plans with you/your loved one about their death (where would the death take place, who will be around, what will you/they be surrounded with) .
Resource gathering, Companioning, Appointment Setups, and Post-Abortion Care.